According to a new Gallop survey, support for the legalization of marijuana has reached a new high (sorry, but that's the best word I could find). 44% of Americans now favor its legalization, while 54% are opposed.
By comparison, ten years ago, around 27% were in a favor and about 70% were against. The numbers were about the same twenty years ago too. Wonder what the Partnership For a Drug Free America are going to say about this? Could a new anti-marijuana campaign be far behind?
As to the reality of legalization, what a boon that would be to the advertising industry. Imagine the creative possibilities, from brand naming to design packaging.
Social media marketing? How about 'Toke Me' on Facebook. What better way to send a virtual joint to a friend.
Direct response? Perhaps an educational DVD with the video professor in which he instructs how to roll the perfect joint.
Then there's the celebrity angle. Which celebrity spokespeople would be recruited to lend their voices? Bill Maher would be my choice, although in truth he's already a spokesman.
What about the cross-promotion potential with snack food companies and ice-cream manufactures. Ben and Jerry's anyone? And surely we can expect a spin-off franchise for Starbucks, say Starbuzz? A little Amsterdam in every American town.
Then there's augmented reality. It suddenly would take on a whole new meaning. Mind you, I really haven't given this much thought.
(Sharing credit to The Daily Dish)
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