Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Part 3.

I'm still waiting to get interviewed by the likes of Adweek/Advertising-Age/Campaign/Creativity/Boards/Guns and Ammo/Jugs. In the meantime, here is the latest installment in a series of interviews  I conducted with myself. While they lack the historical power and tension of the Frost/Nixon interviews, they still offer a little peek into my world.

SHIRAZ: It's been a while since our last interview, so let's catch up. What have you been up to?

Well I just finished a freelance gig at Razorfish here in New York.

SHIRAZ: What did you think of Razorfish?

I was very impressed. None of the employees spoke in HTML code so I was able to understand everyone perfectly.

SHIRAZ: Are they as cutting edge as they seem? 

Shiraz: They certainly seem to have their digital shit together, although there was one collective freak-out moment when Facebook went down for a few minutes. I now understand what it must have been like on the deck of the Titantic as she started to sink. 

SHIRAZ: What were you working on?

It was a very cool project for Ralph Lauren.

SHIRAZ: I heard he once dabbled in heroin.

You've got to stop listening to your Equadorian maid. Seriously, stop it.

SHIRAZ: So what was the project?  
Shiraz: Ralph Lauren is in the process of renovating their flagship store on Madison Avenue.... 

SHIRAZ: The Mansion.

Yes, the Mansion. They're looking for a ground-breaking digital idea to launch and sustain its re-opening.

SHIRAZ: Can you talk about any of the ideas?

Not right now. Let's just say all the ideas presented utilize the latest in digital conceptualizing, like alternative reality and creative crowd-sourcing.

SHIRAZ: Speaking of renovating, I can't let you go without talking about Tiger's image.

You had to go there, didn't you?

SHIRAZ: Is the Tiger Brand irreparably damaged?

I'm a glass half-empty kinda guy so I think Tiger should be actively seeking out advertisers germane to his current situation.

SHIRAZ: Oh you mean like Jacoby and Myers. 

Shiraz: I was thinking more like Hooters. 

SHIRAZ: Hooters?

Well he seems to like waitresses with big tits.

SHIRAZ: Okay, I think we can leave it there. Thank you.

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