Thursday, January 21, 2010

What's in a name.

I've just been reading that Alex Bogusky has a new title. He is from this day forth to be known as, "Chief Creative Insurgent" (CCI) of MDC Partners, the parent company that owns Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

"In his new role, MDC Partners will be able to leverage Alex's creative vision, marketing and branding expertise, and social media insights across the entire MDC Partners network," said MDC CEO Miles Nadal. Wonder if he's related to Raphael? Perhaps his older, nerdier brother.

So if Alex is the chief insurgent, that would make MDC an insurgency movement. Call me old fashioned, but I like my insurgency movements to kill, bomb, cut off the heads of people it doesn't like and generally cause mass destruction and terror. So unless MDC is about to radicalize, I remain skeptical.

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