See Dick buy Jane a diamond necklace from De Beers.
Do you know what "fluency effect" is? In layman's terms it's the phenomenon whereby people will feel more favorable towards words and pictures that they find easier to process. Combine this with research that shows that people are more proficient at processing words they encountered earlier in life and you could have some major implications for brands.
Well that's what Andrew Ellis and his team of researches at the University of York decided to explore and the results are very compelling. "The evidence suggests that mere exposure to brands in childhood will make for more fluent recognition of those brand names in adulthood that will persist through to old age," said the team. In other words, listen up companies and start exposing children to your brands as early as possible.
In related news, I've just heard through the grapevine that a new Peter Rabbit story, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit and his German cousin Volkswagen Rabbit" will be released early next year.
So will a children's book about a spider with special healing powers tentatively titled, "Charlotte's".
Curious George will star in a new film where he discovers The Discovery Channel and his curiosity is satisfied forever.
And look out for a new creation coming soon from J.K. Rowling. The buzz is it will be called, "Harry Pottery Barn".
Oh and this just in. Jeff Bezos at has announced plans to upgrade the Kindergarten. His version will be called "Kindlegarten". Nice one, Jeff.
(Sharing credit to psfk)
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