Naoto Hattori.
If you're like me and once in a while get a hankering for some surreal art, I give you Naoto Hattori. He's a young artist originally from Japan, but is now based in New York.
I knew people who looked like that in high school. Not that I hung out with them or anything. They just helped me with my math homework. Here's what Naoto has to say on the subject (not math, but surrealism).
"Why was the surreal painter so important back in his day? Why did the royal residence hire those artists? Not because of their love for surreal paintings, just because the camera had not been invented yet. Now we have a computer, a video.. and numerous other things, so that contemporary art became abstract and people rely on a computer and tend to forget about the traditional art. I'm young but I just want to show them that surreal style of painting is still not dead."
(Sharing credit to Brain Pickings)
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