So that's where ideas come from.
So kudos to Seth Godin for setting me straight with a thought-provoking list of 20 areas where ideas actually come and don't come from.
Not sure I agree with his dismissal of "watching television" as a idea generator, I mean someone must have been watching to come up with TIVO. But a good list none the less.
Of course he has missed a few:
- Ideas come from reading other people's blogs
- Ideas don't come from self-proclaimed gurus
- Ideas come from discarded doodles on napkins at Starbucks
- Ideas come from a fox so cunning he was named professor of cunning at Oxford University (okay, I just stole that from the brilliant BBC series, "Blackadder")
- Bad ideas come from listening to Rush Limbaugh
- Good ideas don't come from alcohol
- Great ideas come from certain drugs
- Ideas don't come from behind the sofa or under the bed
- Ideas come from eavesdropping (or wiretapping)
- Lucrative ideas come from Russian immigrants named Serge
(Sharing credit to psfk)