Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So that's where ideas come from.

I always assumed ideas came from a mummy idea and a daddy idea, which helped me reason why mass procreating areas like China and India are bursting with ideas.

So kudos to Seth Godin for setting me straight with a thought-provoking list of 20 areas where ideas actually come and don't come from.

Not sure I agree with his dismissal of "watching television" as a idea generator, I mean someone must have been watching to come up with TIVO. But a good list none the less.

Of course he has missed a few:
  1. Ideas come from reading other people's blogs
  2. Ideas don't come from self-proclaimed gurus
  3. Ideas come from discarded doodles on napkins at Starbucks
  4. Ideas come from a fox so cunning he was named professor of cunning at Oxford University (okay, I just stole that from the brilliant BBC series, "Blackadder")
  5. Bad ideas come from listening to Rush Limbaugh
  6. Good ideas don't come from alcohol
  7. Great ideas come from certain drugs
  8. Ideas don't come from behind the sofa or under the bed
  9. Ideas come from eavesdropping (or wiretapping)
  10. Lucrative ideas come from Russian immigrants named Serge

(Sharing credit to psfk)

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