"The Story"
The internet is a magical portal to a world of compelling stories. Stories that inform. Stories that entertain. Stories that make us laugh. Stories that makes us say, "get the fuck outta here".
We read them. Reflect on them. And definitely share them with friends and family. But how else can we engage with this rich content?
How about use it to build whole new narratives. So starting this week I plan to create a fluid short story built entirely out of excerpts from the latest real news stories from around the internet.
As of right now I have no idea how it will begin or how it could end. It all depends on the content out there.
But I do know this. It will be called "The Story", and it begins tomorrow.
3 say something:
Looking forward.
Excerpts not exerts. Please fix. Good storytelling isn't dependent on good spelling. But if any editors are looking, the less imaginative may fixate on the trivial…
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