Still think this Congress is lame?
So what is the biggest problem facing the country? Lack of jobs? The exploding deficit? Taxes? Perverted TSA agents? The Chinese? Try television commercial loudness as in the annoyingly high volume of television ads.
How else do you explain the lame duck Congress actually summoning the will to come together for the sake of the nation's ears to pass the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation, or CALM, Act.
As Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-Menlo Park), chief sponsor of the bill eloquently says, "TV programs use a variety of sound levels to build dramatic effect. But advertisements have been neither subtle nor nuanced. My bill reduces commercial volume, allowing them to only be as loud as the decibel level of regular programming.''
Have more poignant words been spoken since Lincoln's Gettysburg Address? I think not.
1 say something:
And I thought loud ads were for old people.
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