Thursday, April 1, 2010

It may be April Fools, but I shit you not.

Apparently Twentieth Century Fox is planning a movie based on the E-Trade babies. And NO kudos to Grey for coming up with the ghastly campaign in the first place.

Where the hell did the Twentieth Century Fox executives dream up this idea? At the Voyeur West Hollywood. Wonder if they were on Michael Steele's tab.

Now if only someone made a movie based around Staples' annoying "Wow! That's a low price" guy I might be interested. As long he dies in the most violet and painful way, e.g he gets stapled to death. Yes that's a movie I would definitely pay to see.

Or maybe something a little smarter. How about a Wes Anderson black comedy, where Luke Wilson suffers through an existential crisis when he fails to switch every Verizon customer over to AT&T. Cameos by Bill Murray and brother Owen, of course.

 (Sharing credit to Adfreak)

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