Repackage of the now.
I for one think simplicity can be over-rated when it comes to advertising. This is especially true for print advertising. Case in point this new campaign for FedEx.
At first glance, what an eye-catchingly simple way to express global reach. The ad blogs certainly dig. The creatives are booking their flights to Cannes as we speak.
But on second thought this campaign should merit an "and?". For unless you've been living in a cave or Sarah Palin's brain you should know by now that FedEx does global. Has been for all these years. So how exactly does this idea advance the FedEx story?
Clearly to the people behind it, including FedEx it's not so much a case of saying something new, but rather saying the same thing in a new way. Which can only mean one thing. FedEx has nothing new to say. A bit like an aging sports star who pathetically clings on to his one claim to glory from yesteryear.
That said, it is charmingly simple. So half a kudos to DDB, Brazil. And here's the full campaign.
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