The "Make it Happen" Challenge.
Confucius say, "Unless you try you cannot succeed." Okay I just totally made that up, but it does lead nicely to "Make it Happen", the crowd-sourcing challenge to see if my big ideas can come to fruition thanks to the rich community of creatives, writers, artists, designers, inventors, scientists, architects, pharmacologists, techies, provocateurs, ethicists, military contractors, etc.
Create a campaign to persuade porn star Stormy Daniels to reconsider her decision not to run against David Vitter, the lecherous, hypocritical douche bag sans shame incumbent senator, in the Republican primary in Louisiana.
Check this out for more background, but to surmise, Stormy, after briefly being thrust into the process, has pulled out saying, "I am not running for the US Senate because I am an adult entertainment star. I am not running for the US Senate for the same reason that so many dedicated patriots do not run--I can't afford it".
The original "Draft Stormy" movement proved quite effective in not only convincing her to seriously consider running, but also in persuading the media to actually take her seriously. How can we re-ignite this movement to once again tempt Stormy to go all the way.
Check this out for more background, but to surmise, Stormy, after briefly being thrust into the process, has pulled out saying, "I am not running for the US Senate because I am an adult entertainment star. I am not running for the US Senate for the same reason that so many dedicated patriots do not run--I can't afford it".
The original "Draft Stormy" movement proved quite effective in not only convincing her to seriously consider running, but also in persuading the media to actually take her seriously. How can we re-ignite this movement to once again tempt Stormy to go all the way.
- Is there an opportunity to start up a Facebook group much like the effort to get Betty White to host Saturday Night Live. But of course instead of an old woman and a comedy show we're talking hot porn star and congress (okay comedy show).
- Stormy is a very attractive, "outsider" candidate with a simple platform that calls for the abolition of the IRS. If the Tea Party loves Sarah Palin, they should have a giant hard-on for Stormy. How can we whip them into a frenzy over the campaign.
- Could we enlist the help of chief number cruncher and polling guru Nate Silver to persuade her than she can win. What are the numbers telling us, other than the fact that most men lie about how much porn they watch.
- Stormy said that she couldn't afford to run. Is there a way to raise a lot of money for her so she may change her mind. A bake sale is probably not going to cut it. Recruiting old, horny millionaires to fund her on the other hand may work.
- Could we enlist the help of chief number cruncher and polling guru Nate Silver to persuade her than she can win. What are the numbers telling us, other than the fact that most men lie about how much porn they watch.
- Stormy said that she couldn't afford to run. Is there a way to raise a lot of money for her so she may change her mind. A bake sale is probably not going to cut it. Recruiting old, horny millionaires to fund her on the other hand may work.
- David Vitter must always be referred to as the "lecherous, hypocritical douche bag sans shame incumbent senator."
- Any advertising effort promoting Stormy must include the positioning line, "Taxation is just a dirty word for 'getting fucked in the ass'."
- Any advertising effort promoting Stormy must include the positioning line, "Taxation is just a dirty word for 'getting fucked in the ass'."
- All photo ops with Stormy must focus on her breasts.
Good luck and make it happen, people!
3 say something:
The best one yet!
It's a shame. Congress will be deprived of a great talent.
"Taxation is just a dirty word for 'getting fucked in the ass'" - genius.
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