Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Dead Ideaville"

We are gathered here today to honor a dear, beloved idea for PODS. The brief was pretty ordinary. PODS needed major recognition. While many people may have seen their iconic white containers, few realized what they actually did. The idea was to introduce PODS to the world, as the very simple yet smart way to move or store. 

For maximum penetration this direct message was to be delivered across multiple media. Big opportunity to try something a little different, you would think. Well you thought wrong.

PODS - "Games” 

Aside from giving PODS the usual media blitz of TV, print, direct mail, banner etc., we also tried to give them the unusual. So we created games which would be available on their website.

The games, one for storing and one for moving would allow users to experience the PODS story while enjoying themselves. In doing so we hoped they would realize that moving and storing didn't have to be so stressful after all. 

In the storing game, basically a Tetris-style game, the user had to use a PODS container to catch items being tossed out of a house. Points were collected for each store. We thought it was a very engaging way to show that with a PODS container you didn't have to throw stuff out.

In the moving game, the user had to figure out how best to pack the entire contents of a house in a PODS container for moving. This was like a puzzle, where there was only one way of doing it correctly. Along the way the user would receive tips on how to move big items properly and which items to store first. 

Perhaps the client was a big fan of first person shooter games and ours weren't bloody enough for him.

Ashes to ashes....

1 say something:


I like the educational aspect to the moving game.

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