The "Make it Happen" Challenge vs "The Impossible Brief".
When I started the "Make it Happen" Challenge all those weeks ago, I always suspected it might spawn its share of imitators. But with general enthusiasm I warmly greeted "The Impossible Brief", a crowd-sourcing initiative from BBR Saatchi & Saatchi Tel Aviv which asks the crowd to help solve the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
Talk about Chutzpa. Even I haven't dared to venture this big. I mean there's satire and there's absurdity. But on closer reading and having failed to see the satire, humor or irony in their brief, I've come to the frightening realization that they are actually being serious. Are you fucking bleeping kidding me. I mean where does one begin with the thought starters, never mind the mandatories.
Only advertising people. Who else would have the self-centered gall to assume they can crack what the brightest minds have failed to do for thousands of years. It makes sense of course. I mean if you can solve the problem of selling an anti-hemorrhoid cream to a squeamish public why can't you solve the problems of the Arabs and Jews. My money's on a mobile idea.
Oh yes and then there's the prize. Apparently bringing peace and hope to peoples who for too long have been mired in despair and distrust isn't incentive enough. It needs a free trip to the Cannes Advertising Festival. See that's what the Nobel prize committee never understood. Who wants a one-million dollar peace prize when you can hob nob with the advinistas in the South of France.
Mind you if someone does come up with the solution, it does beg the question, where the fuck have you been all these years. Were you ever going to share? Or were you just waiting for that free trip to Cannes.
4 say something:
Nice bit of pr though for Saatchi Tel Aviv. Never heard of them before this.
Here's my idea. How about treating Jerusalem as a time share. For six months of the year the Israelis get it and for the other six months it belongs to the Palestinians.
So cynical godpoop. Rediscover your inner idealism and do it quickly.
This is all made up, right?
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