Zombie queen of the now.
Queen Mary 1 of England as a zombie. That's the thought behind this digital poster for the London Dungeon. It was part of a promotion for their "Bloody Mary" show about the infamous queen who reigned between 1553 until 1558 and apparently loved drinking Vodka and tomato juice with a dash of Worcester sauce. Okay that's a lie, but she did like burning religious heretics at the stake, which most definitely helped account for her pet name.
Now I say "was" because the poster, which was placed on escalators in various stations on the London Underground, has since been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority. Apparently a few kids were spooked.
Let me get this straight. In an era of countless zombie movies and graphic video games featuring all kinds of flesh eating monsters, kids were frightened by this. Sounds like the ASA got things backwards here. Surely the kids were actually unnerved by the sinister, if passive looking old lady on the left.
(Sharing credit to adfreak)
2 say something:
As a descendant of Queen Mary, I shall have your head for those ugly remarks.
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