Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm with Rush Limbaugh.

No I don't believe Barack Obama is a foreign born moslem nazi socialist marxist terrorist sympathizing son of a luo tribesman. But I do share Rush's antipathy towards this Nissan Leaf ad that has most of the ad community melting faster than an Icelandic glacier.

Mind you my reasons for despising this commercial are entirely different from Blimpbaugh's. Whereas he predictably finds this to be typical propaganda for the environmental movement, I find it unnecessarily self-serving and disingenuous.

How else do you describe an ad in which a dying species finds the love and time to hug a car owner for being environmentally empathetic. Please, enough with the "environment loves the car" bullshit. It wasn't that convincing the first time.

And how about someone follow this up with a public service spot where a rape victim tracks down, confronts and hugs her attacker following his castration. Didn't think so.

The polar bear, ladies and gentlemen, is going to die out. At some point in the near future they will exist in archived documentaries and no where else. And not a billion Nissan Leafs are going to reverse that. But gee thanks for being egomaniacal enough to think you can.

And the heartbreaking irony, of course, is that cars have no doubt played their part in its demise. If I was the creative director at TBWA/Chait Day I would have fired the creatives who came up with this on the grounds that they have no humanity.

Either that or made them change the ending. To something more palatable like the Polar Bear eats the driver. Yes, that would work. And a line that says something like, "Justifiably not every one is impressed."

Minus kudos to Tuberculosis Wankers/Chiat Day.

1 say something:


I actually really liked the ad, but you've made me now think twice.

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