Friday, December 10, 2010

"Dead Ideaville"

This is the month when millions of misguided individuals celebrate the birth of a man, who if he actually existed, would probably have looked a lot like someone coming out of the Taliban strongholds of Afghanistan. How about instead we pay homage to a very real death.

BBC America's launch of "Luther", a six-part mini series about a troubled police detective trying desperately to stay on the right line between light and dark was a very big deal.

Promos were cut. Online content was created. Even outdoor banners were erected. Then I got them thinking about the unconventional.

How did that work out for me? Let's just say I have still to come to terms with the realization that I work for a cold-blooded killer.

BBC America - "Person of Interest"

Detective John Luther is a larger than life character.

Smart. Cunning. Unpredictable. Obsessive. He is the type of hard-nosed cop who leaves no stone unturned in his relentless pursuit of evil.

So how could we bring this vibrant character to life outside the television screen.

This idea turned the user into a "person of interest" for the obsessive John Luther. Through an interactive video, as well as social media like foursquare the user would be able to get a little experience of what it would be like having this obsessive cop on his or her tail.

The Interrogation Room
During episodes of Luther the viewer gets to see him interrogate a lot of suspects. It is an intense experience.

With an interactive video we allow the user to experience first hand what it feels like to be alone in the interrogation room with Detective Luther. The more uncooperative you are, the more violent he gets! 

Being followed
We all love the attention of followers on twitter and foursquare. How about being followed by an obsessive cop who knows your every move.

By signing on to a foursquare-synced app the user can experience what it's like to have John Luther watching your every move. What would you do to lose his tail?

Sans this idea "Luther" still got decent ratings. But no real buzz!

May what's his name have mercy on your soul, BBC America.

2 say something:


The interactive video is great. Not sure how the foursquare app would work. That might be a stretch.


Would have loved to be "interrogated" by Luther.

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