Friday, December 17, 2010

Gripe of the now.

This so-called "steamy" commercial featuring a "lesbian bedroom" scene for the Renault Twingo (ghastly name) was created by Publicis/Milan and banned by the Italian State television channel Rai, as well Mediaset, the network owned by Silvio Berlusconi.

A little ironic that Berlusconi's channel should ban it given all the sexual shenanigans that supposedly go on at his "elegant soirees", but I digress.

Back to the gripe at hand. It's has been getting all sorts of media attention, no doubt to the absolute glee of the creatives. Apparently gay groups in Italy are outraged and the spot has been lighting up many a forum with claims that it is "offensive to lesbians".

Here's the thing though. I too delved into the lesbian bedroom scene genre with this spot for Lucky jeans few years ago and to date no one has voiced their outrage or disgust.

Nothing from the gays. Nada from the clergy. Zip from the family values people. And as a result it passed quietly into the night like a silent, stinkless fart.

Someone once said, "It's better to be loved or loathed, but never ignored." Actually I think that was me too.

2 say something:


The action in the spots is very similar too. When exactly did you produce the Lucky jeans spot godpoop?


Be honest, it's not the first time you've been referred to as a silent, stinkless fart, is it?

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