Saturday, May 1, 2010


On April 28th, 2010 I posted a piece about artist Jay Shell's New York Subway etiquette campaign. And while I found it a tad heavy handed it has inspired me to think about the subways some more. So, I've decided to make May subway appreciation month, or "Submay". And no that doesn't mean I'll be riding the subway for the next month.

Rather, for the next 31 days I will feature subway stations from around the world. Some will stand out for their classical grandeur. Others for their uber-modern aesthetic. Some feel more like art galleries than human delivery systems and some are just down right weird. And then there are a few that, without question, are just stunning pieces of architecture.

Maybe the real surprise is that many of them are to be found in the most unexpected places. Alas, not one New York subway made the selection. And I fear in comparison to some of these stations, they will begin to look even more dreary and run down. Just a stark reminder that we probably need more than just etiquette to upgrade our subway experience.

Enjoy the upcoming ride.

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