Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Someone had to do it...

So why not Maxime Luere, a CG artist. True it is very derivative of Google's campaign, but I find the story of Alex Droner far more substantial and wittier that its Google counterpart.

That said it still feels a little conformist for my tastes. Alex's life seems to follow a typical Facebook life, i.e. getting drunk, traveling, eating at restaurants, getting drunk, showing off baby.

Much like with a movie, I would have preferred viewing a life less ordinary. Where was the sex change? Or the night spent in a hotel room with Charlie Sheen and a porn star? Or the two months spent in Pakistan at an "Islamic School" with an emphasis on chemistry.

Mind you, Maxime does confirm the old adage, "nothing stimulates a budding relationship like a good poke". So kudos for that.

2 say something:


What's up with the copyright issue. Some one call Zuckerberg.


Why can't I view it…? Something smells fishy…

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