Friday, November 20, 2009

This post brought to you by The History Channel.

The history of the Blog is a little fuzzy. It's earliest origins can probably be traced back to 1993, but here's what we do know definitively.

In 1994, Justin Hall, a student at Swarthmore, introduces us to the shape and format of the blog as we know it today with his site, Only the term blog would come much later.

In 1997, Jorn Barger decides to call his site, a "web log", the actual forerunner to the term blog. A few weeks later, man walks on two legs.

1998, Peter Merholz coins the term "Blog". He now lives off the royalties on his private island in the Caribbean with his supermodel girlfriends. (Okay, the last part about the island and supermodels is totally made up.)

Now you know. For more very useful historical titbits check this out.

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