Friday, February 19, 2010

The "Make it Happen" challenge.

An extraordinary man once said, "Even a schmuck can come up with a great idea, but only a genius can bring it to life."

Time to play "Make it Happen", the crowd-sourcing challenge to see if my big ideas can come to fruition thanks to the rich community of creatives, writers, artists, designers, inventors, scientists, architects, pharmacologists, techies, provocateurs, ethicists, military contractors, etc.

MIH Brief 002
Create a television reality series called "The Loveless Boat". It is inspired by the exploits of the "Independence of the Seas", a ship belonging to Royal Carribean Crusie Lines that made news soon after the Haitian earthquake.

Check this out for more background, but to surmise, the "Independence of the Seas" docked off the Haitian coast a few days after the earthquake allowing some of its passengers to engage in champagne and cocktail fueled revelry a few kilometers from scenes of unimaginable human suffering and devastation. 

In each episode, the Loveless Boat will seek out areas ravaged by the worst kinds of catastrophe, despair, suffering and its crew and passengers will engage in the most inappropriate forms of celebration and revelry.

  -  Think "Love Boat" meets "The Real Housewives of Orange County".
  -  Find ways to add tension and conflict to the story. e.g. perhaps one of passengers develops a conscience and tries to show his fellow shipmates the errors of their ways.
  -  The more tragic the location of despair the more engaging the show.

  -  It must be reality based.
  -  The title must be, "The Loveless Boat". No derivations, please.
  -  No Hiltons or Kardashians please.
  -  The cast of crew and passengers must include at least one republican, one health-care insurance professional, one Wall Street executive, a former staffer to the John Edward's presidential campaign and a Fox News executive or conservative radio talk show host.

Good luck and make it happen, people!

1 say something:


I'd watch. I'd be horrified, but I'd watch.

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