Thursday, April 22, 2010

Leaking privacy.

I'm not sure if the creators of this campaign were fully aware of what they were playing with, but I think they've brilliantly stepped into the privacy debate for their own gain.

Bear with me. We're living in a heady time when loads of our personal data like financial and medical information are being collected, stored, shared and used by third party entities.

As a result more of our privacy is open to being compromised, especially online. Recently Google came under criticism for privacy flaws in one of its new social products called Buzz.

But the breach isn't just happening online. Many concerns have been raised regarding the once impregnable "secrecy'" policies of foreign banks.

Then there's the ongoing debate about the validity of wire-tapping by government agencies. Just how much legal cover should the government expect when monitoring individuals or organizations it has suspicions about.

Even the census is seen by some, and I'm talking about you Michele Bachmann, as a government tactic to extract too much information about you.... and then you end up in an internment camp. Okay, I don't really get that one, either.

Paranoia is heavy in the air, maybe not as thick as the ash currently spewing out of an Icelandic volcano, but still as pervasive and potentially as debilitating. How much do we really want the outside world to know about us? Not much I would suppose.

At least the fear of having one's incontinence exposed can be laid to rest.

2 say something:


I know what you did last summer!


I know what you did in the bathroom ten minutes ago.

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