Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not appearing at Flashdancers anytime soon.

The detractors of branded entertainment will no doubt look upon this short film for Damaris Lingerie as proof that the genre is nothing more than masturbation for bored creatives and directors. It certainly requires a lot of deconstructing. I've seen it about twenty times already and still I'm not entirely sure of it's value as marketing content. But I'll continue viewing until I figure it out.

So what exactly is the message here. Sexy lingerie as functional garment? Make the everyday routine sexy? Perhaps the director, Justin Anderson can illuminate. "Whilst researching the film I spent a lot of time standing behind the statue of Aphrodite at the British Museum," says Anderson. "I felt that the backside of the goddess of love was a good place to start. I love the bottom - it is quite literally sculpture on legs." God I love branded entertainment.

(Sharing credit to psfk)

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