Tuesday, May 25, 2010

David Lynch loves handbags.

What do a Christian Dior handbag, Shanghai, the sexy Marion Cotillard, sixteen minutes, a couple of Asian heavies and the incomparable David Lynch have in common?

A new piece of branded-entertainment from the fashion giant. In fact it's the third film in a series of mini-features which Dior began last year. Olivier Dahan ("La Vie en Rose") and Jonas Akerlund directed the first two.

According to Lynch, the Dior people made him an offer he couldn't refuse - "You can do anything you want, you just need to show the handbag, the Pearl Tower and some old Shanghai." Some people get all the cool briefs.

While nowhere near a classic, it is unmistakable Lynch. Just don't expect Frank Booth or "Bob" to make an appearance. Kudos to all involved, especially Christian Dior for their continued commitment to branded-entertainment.

(Sharing credit to ft.com)

1 say something:


What a waste of 16 minutes.

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